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“ Even as questions surrounding the establishment of a popular and responsible government in Jammu and Kashmir dominated India’s concerns, the Const...”
“ In May 1949 with the enactment of the Indian Constitution only months away, the future status of the princely state of Jammu and Kashmir remained in...”
Heads Held High: Salvaging State Governors for 21st Century India
March 13, 2023 / 2:30What really is the office of the State Governor? At times it has been called a colonial relic, at o...
Launch of Hamīñ Ast? Book Cover
October 31, 2022 / 0:44Watch the animated video of the book cover of 'Hamīñ Ast? A Biography of Article 370.' Hamīñ As...
Video on Hamīñ Ast? A Biography on Article 370
July 10, 2022 / 2 Minute 40 SecondsHow did this article come to be in 1950? What happened over the course of the last 70 years that ma...
“ In this Podcast episode, Naveed Mehmood Ahmad discusses 'Hamīñ Ast? A Biography of Article 370' with co-author Jinaly Dani. Hamīñ Ast? tr...”
Governor: The Centre’s Middlemen
For over six decades, the position of the governor has been a source of intense conflict between th...
by Arghya Sengupta
by Lalit Panda
Why Was Article 370 Not Abrogated Earlier?
“Article 370 is neither a wall nor a mountain, but...it is a tunnel. It is through this tunnel t...
by Pranay Modi
Looking Back at the Abrogation of Article 370
Today marks the passage of two years since the ‘abrogation’ of Article 370 of the Constitution ...
by Pranay Modi
“ Whatever name you choose to call it, the Governor is an intrinsic, if intriguing part of our politics. And this book unravels it all — from the colonial origins of the Governor’s post, its place in our Constitution, and its evolution over time. ”
“ Hamīñ Ast? is an outstanding book that chronicles the turbulent life of Article 370. As this Article is now history, this book helps us understand what led to its birth and what led to its unexpected but inevitable demise. ”
“ A powerful biography of this hugely consequential piece of legislation by Arghya Sengupta, Jinaly Dani, Kevin James and Pranay Modi. ”
“ Whenever the final word on Article 370 is spoken, what is certain is that Hamiñ Ast will surely be an indispensable guide in making sense of it. ”
“ This factual account of the birth, the steady erosion, and the final virtual disappearance of Article 370 makes fascinating reading for anyone who has followed developments in Jammu & Kashmir since 1947. ”